I won't cut you, don't worry.

This is a study I started over a year ago of my bae of Westeros—Arya Stark—and thanks to quarantine, finally got around to finishing.

With this study, I tried a method I learned from an art teacher early in college. I started as far zoomed out as I possibly could while still being able to see basic shapes, then slowly zoomed in only when I wasn't able to paint any more detail at that level. Towards the end I was free-zooming in order to pan around to paint higher detail, but towards the beginning I kept to a strict "no zoom unless I'm moving up a detail level" rule.

Originally I hoped to fully flesh out the background as well, but I'm satisfied enough with how she turned out that I'd rather her just be the star that she is.

Painting vs. Reference screenshot, from Game of Thrones S07 E04

Painting vs. Reference screenshot, from Game of Thrones S07 E04